Getting Started
The Authentic Recovery Center is a drug treatment center located in Los Angeles, California. Our program includes multiple levels of care designed to support people seeking a variety of drug treatment options. If you would like to learn more about the rehabilitation programs available at our facility, call 1 877 415 4673 now.
Learning More
Our program specializes in dual diagnosis treatment. This is widely considered the most effective form of drug treatment. The essence of this approach is to evaluate each person for the presence of underlying issues that might be contributing to drug abuse and addiction pathology. In other words, people often abuse drugs in an attempt to self-medicate.
This section of the website discusses the drug treatment programs we offer and also provides relevant information about the importance of dual diagnosis treatment.
ARC Offers Multiple Types of Drug Treatment Programs
One of the best parts of the Authentic Recovery Center is the comprehensive nature of the drug treatment we offer. We have several different levels of care which fall into one of three separate categories.
Drug Detox
Drug detox, or detoxification, is the process by which a person is medically-assisted in establishing a clean and sober baseline. We are one of the few programs in Los Angeles that provide detox drug treatment as a stand alone program. In other words, a person doesn’t have to enroll in our short or long term drug rehab program to detox from drugs or prescription medications. However, it should be noted that drug detox by itself is just the beginning of rehabilitation. Detoxing from certain types of drugs can be very dangerous and should not be attempted without medical support. If you would like information on the ARC medical detoxification services, call 1 877 415 4673 now.
Inpatient Rehab
Inpatient rehab, or residential rehab, is a type of drug treatment where a person will enroll and live in a facility for a period of time. The length of stay in an inpatient rehab is typically based on the progress a person makes during the rehabilitation process. One of the unique aspects of the inpatient rehab programs we offer is that they are all based on the principles of dual diagnosis treatment. This means that we do a lot of individual work with each person. We are able to get a lot of clinical work done in a relatively short period of time based on the number of one on one therapy sessions we provide during our residential drug treatment process.
Outpatient Treatment
Outpatient treatment is a level of care where people attend daytime or evening groups and receive one on counseling in a non-residential setting. Outpatient treatment services vary in length and intensity. Most people that attend an outpatient program for drug treatment do so because there are time constraints that prevent them from enrolling in residential rehabilitation. In some circumstances, outpatient treatment is also utilized by people who have completed a residential rehab and need ongoing support to prevent relapse.
ARC is a Dual Diagnosis Drug Rehab Center
As mentioned earlier, the Authentic Recovery Center is a dual diagnosis drug rehab center. Dual diagnosis programs are also known as clinical treatment programs. The importance of clinical treatment cannot really be stressed enough when seeking to create a successful outcome from drug treatment.
The likelihood of sustainable recovery success is dramatically increased in dual diagnosis treatment settings by two important factors – clinical treatment and aftercare. In other words, clinically supporting an person in an ongoing fashion is the most effective form of drug treatment.
Clinical Treatment – Treating individual addictions in individual ways
When people enroll in our program, they are often impressed with the comprehensive nature of our clinical assessment process. These evaluations allow us to create individualized treatment plans that are tailored to meet each persons specific needs. During treatment, this is paramount to helping people productively resolve their issues and revitalize their personal strengths.
Aftercare Planning – Creating detailed plans for the future
One it comes time to leave our facility people are prepared for the future by a thorough aftercare planning process. Every detail is addressed in the form of a personalized aftercare plan that allows individuals transitioning from the facility to access supportive services in order to continue on the road to recovery.
Understanding Dual Diagnosis Treatment
When thinking about dual diagnosis treatment it is really best to contemplate the highest caliber of professional mental and behavioral health services blended into a seamless process of supportive techniques designed to help people improve their lives.
An important consideration when seeking dual diagnosis treatment is to be sure that true clinical treatment is offered in the program you’re looking at attending. In order to understand more about what services to look for in a dual diagnosis drug rehab center, visit understanding dual diagnosis treatment.
Call to Speak with a Drug Treatment Counselor Today
If you would like to learn more about our treatment center, call us at 1 877 415 4673 today. Our staff will answer all you questions about drug detox, residential rehab and outpatient treatment. We can also help you find local drug rehab centers in your area and conduct a free drug abuse and addictions assessment to determine which type of drug treatment would be the best fit for your situation. Remember, “The only failure in life is the failure to act”.